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Details (as held in the RGS-IBG Expeditions Database at 7/27/2024 8:48:23 AM)
Country(s): Mauritania, Mali, Algeria
Contact: Chris Scott
Website: www.sahara-overland.com
E Mail: seq@sahara-overland.com
Members: 5
Year: 2006
Start: 10/31/2006
End: 12/6/2006
Status: Returned
Location: Mauritania to Mali

The expedition entailed a 2000 kms easterly traverse from Atar in central Mauritania to a little-known, smuggling compound known as Ikhalil in northern Mali, a few kilometres south of Bordj Moktar in southern Algeria. The expedition re-trace the route taken by the Joint Services West East Sahara Expedition (see RGS report: 313) across eastern Mauritania. They collected dust samples and imagery for the Climate Research Lab at the Oxford University Centre for the Environment (OUCE), and supplied information on remote locales for the Degree Confluence Project (www.confluence.org). Once south of the Sand Sea and right across northern Mali they saw many Neolithic and Palelolithic artefacts. They were also updating existing- and logging new routes for future editions of Sahara Overland. Despite the loss of one of the vehicles, nearly all of the objectives of the Empty Quarter Expedition were achieved.

Report25pp. Maps. Colour illus. Duplicate available.4924Report Collection

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